Pact Insurance

Supporting a fast-moving startup automotive insurance team.

Pact has an ambitious goal: to enable smaller automotive insurance providers to compete with large established brands by enabling their technology offering.

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Providing support across a variety of materials.


The team at Pact is constantly moving. Over the past few years I’ve supported the team in improving the usability of their app, designing their website and marketing materials, and crafting effective presentations for potential investors. As a highly collaborative, fast-moving startup, I’ve learned a ton in working with them.

Improving the application usability.

Much of my earlier work with Pact was focused on usability improvements to their mobile application. By tackling features like license scanning to generate user information, we where able to streamline the process to deliver insurance quotes to new customers.

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Iterative Design Sessions

Many features of the application required several rounds of iteration to nail down. The process for generating quotes was broken into multiple steps, taking any opportunity to improve the user experience and shave valuable time off the process.

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Interaction and motion design

As important as the UI designs of the application, was the motion of the screens. To support offsite developers, I created detailed motion guides and motion studies to help convey the overall motion design of the app.

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An evolving website

As features are added, and the company direction evolves, the website has been a vital component in communicating these changes to potential customers and investors. I’ve worked with Pact on several versions of their site (with another on the way), to help reflect the team’s latest messaging.

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Social and email advertising

A series of social and email templates I’ve created to help the team test messaging.

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BMW Financial Services


Keurig Coffee